2016 - COP22AmericaInnovation & TechnologiesPolicy Improving Manufacturing through Technology and Innovation Dr. Ernest Moniz US Secretary of Energy Today, we are announcing the SmartManufacturing Innovation Institute. Smart technologies, such…Dr.Ernest MonizJanuary 30, 2022
2016 - COP22Finance & BankingNGO/IGOPolicy International energy efficiency cooperation and the G20 Benoit Lebot Executive Director, IPEEC It is cost-effiective, cross-cutting, and can benefit all individuals and communities around the…Benoit LebotJanuary 30, 2022
2016 - COP22AfricaGreen economyPolicy Energy effciency, the cheapest and fastest pathway to reducing greenhouse gas emissions Said Mouline CEO of the Moroccan agency for energy efficiency AMEE The energy transition is based on two…Said MoulineJanuary 30, 2022