2019 - COP25Building & urbanizationCircular economyPolicy Energy efficiency – A crucial strategy to manage the energy transition Benoît Lebot Head of IPEEC Secretariat The energy transition requires long- term structural change to people’s approach to…Benoit LebotJanuary 30, 2022
2018 - COP24 Energy efficiency sustainability and human behaviour : the importance of international cooperation in the G20 and beyond Benoit Lebot Executive Director, IPEEC The world needs energy efficiency, now more than ever. Energy efficiency has a…Benoit LebotFebruary 12, 2022
2017 - COP23AppliancesCoolingNGO/IGO How changing refrigerants will help slow down global warming Durwood Zaelke President of IGSD – Institute for governance and sustainable developmentLast year, the world's governments took the…Benoit LebotJanuary 30, 2022
2017 - COP23Energy savingsEuropeNGO/IGOPolicy Energy efficiency at the G20 Collaborating internationally for a sustainable future Benoi LEBOT Executive Director, International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC) The world needs energy efliciency, now more…Benoit LebotJanuary 30, 2022
2016 - COP22Finance & BankingNGO/IGOPolicy International energy efficiency cooperation and the G20 Benoit Lebot Executive Director, IPEEC It is cost-effiective, cross-cutting, and can benefit all individuals and communities around the…Benoit LebotJanuary 30, 2022
2020 - NEW-YORK CLIMATE WEEKEuropePolicy When Citizens Make Policy: France’s Climate Citizen Convention, Energy Efficiency, and the Importance of Education Benoit Lebot former Chair of the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC). Jurei Yada Coordination Lead, Bern…Benoit LebotJanuary 30, 2022
2021 - COP26DecarbonisationMobilityPolicy Energy Efficiency leads the way to decarbonization Benoit Lebot Energy Efficiency Expert For every energy system that we use, for instance a car, a smartphone,…Benoit LebotJanuary 30, 2022