2020 - NEW-YORK CLIMATE WEEKAmericaCircular economyPolicy Building Back BETTER with Remote, Rapid Energy Retrofit Analysis Carolyn Szum is a Program Manager at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with 17 years of experience leading and…Carolyn SzumJanuary 30, 2022
2020 - NEW-YORK CLIMATE WEEKAmericaCircular economyFinance & BankingNGO/IGO U.S. Federal Policy Approaches to Renewing the Energy Efficiency Sector Lisa Jacobson President, Business Council for Sustainable Energy There are 360,000 reasons to get the American energy efficiency…Lisa JacobsonJanuary 30, 2022
2020 - NEW-YORK CLIMATE WEEKAmericaCircular economy How Energy Efficiency is Transforming the Market and Workforce in Canada Canada has a unique opportunity to think boldly and act bravely to create a stronger, more equitable, and…Jalel ChabchoubJanuary 30, 2022
2020 - NEW-YORK CLIMATE WEEKAmericaCircular economyDecarbonisationEnergy prices Energy efficiency reduces waste, cuts carbon and can get canadians back to work after the pandemic – just ask your aunt mary Corey Diamond Executive Director, Efficiency Canada Shuttering many businesses and putting millions out of work, COVID-19 threw…Corey DiamondJanuary 30, 2022
2020 - NEW-YORK CLIMATE WEEKAmericaEnergy pricesNGO/IGO Charting a new course: aligning climate, efficiency, and economic development Jennifer Layke Global Energy Program Director, World Resources Institute COVID-19 has resulted in immense loss of life, and…Jennifer LaykeJanuary 30, 2022
2020 - NEW-YORK CLIMATE WEEKAmericaFinance & BankingLightingMobility Covid-19 recovery: the power of energy efficiency to jump-start economic stimulus Alyssa Fischer Energy Efficiency Analyst, International Energy Agency Over the course of 2020, countries around the world have…Alyssa FischerJanuary 30, 2022